I'm just Me

I have never been so  unmotivated like I am now. My bedroom is a total mess, which so not me !!
I had my two and a half weeks of holidays and spent that time being lazy and doing totally nothing. Maybe because I miss certain people in my life.

I have never thought that I could miss and need someone so badly. I guess I'm really in love with him (what the heck does this have to do with me being too lazy to clean up my bed room though?)

And I also supposed to be baking some cupcakes for the bake-sale tomorrow morning, but because I am sooooo amazingly lazy I have my friend/slave Willy baking them for me. and here I am writing on my blog. what a queen ey ... a lazy queen indeed.

this is supposed to be the couch where I sit and get busy with on my laptop. But it's kinda impossible
since I have too much stuff on it. I don't even know which ones are clean or dirty -.-'

and I really should treat my cameras way better than just leave them laying around on
the floor like rubbish.

I had to face this freaky thing at work last night after 2 and a half weeks of holidays.
gosh .. how i fudging hate whoever created this fudging thing.
cos it literally scared me and i can't fudging sleep having the picture of it in my head.

But at least during those 2 and a half weeks I was able to do something I desire ... "PHOTOGRAPHY".  and here is what I came up with ;

Thought by the end of the shooting the Photographer (me) and the Model (him) ended up DRUNK.