Guilty Pleasure

My one and only motivation to bake is ; I bake cupcakes with extra calories specially on each icing and give 'em to my friends so that they all getting super fat while I'm busy being skinny.

Ayu for example, not a big fans of sweets yet my chocolate peanut butter cupcake succeed to persuade her to eat 5 pieces of 'em one after another. I'm such an EVIL and I'm loving it ^_^

From Adam with love

The kids and sugar

Sunday Pancake

Matcha green tea icing

Double Chocolate Fudge

Lemon CupCake with Oreo icing

Choco temptation with Peanut butter icing
These are the 1st look of my first icing on the cake, still learning ....

Birthday cake for my 1st costumer

My Nosiness

Yea basically I am a voyeur and observer, professional observer sounds better. I write, my business is watching other people business and recording it either here in my blog or in my journal. That's kinda obnoxious and as I (we) know life is, I tried to make it meaningful or at least poetic.
I could observe specific "someone" for a good long time and still not quite be finish and if that specific "someone" don't wanna be observed or rerecorded in my little book I'd put down my pen, close my eyes if I must and we can just talk.

Thoughts #3

I have come to love and hate the dreamer that I am, one who is almost always in the throes of excess and the exalted. They say the artist arises out of not only an acceptance of the self but a glorification of that self as wholly unlimited. But as I go upon these grandiose journeys of discovery, I tragically find, as Nin (The Diary of Anaïs Nin) says so beautifully here, the ironies of life that so debilitate my wingedness. I meander without knowing it, and I never seem to be at the right place at the right time.
I confess that I am the child who suffered of too much expectancy, a small paper cup tearing at its seams from too much absence flowing in. Life exists in circles and spirals, and as much I would like to shed yesterday’s woman for the novelty of tomorrow, the woman that I once was inhabits the woman that I am now. Then perhaps I must revise my statements: is it that I’ve always been in just the right place, as life chooses a circuitous path to deliver me right where I need to be?
But as soon as I can answer that question, I must ultimately live my way into more. Answers shall be most definitely deferred.

Instrument of peace.

Where there is hatred, may I bring love.

Where there is offence, forgiveness.

Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is desperation, may I bring hope.

Where there is sadness, let me bring joy.

Allow me to console, rather than be consoled.

To understand, rather than be understood.

To love, rather than be loved.

Because giving is receiving.

Because it is in forgiving that we are forgiven.

It is in dying that we are born into eternal life.

-  "Mother Teresa Of Calcutta", 2003 movie by Fabrizio Costa.

There are some love stories that unfold in front of my eyes and I find myself constantly amazed and captured by the folds of people. At the turn of winding flowstone, two people three people walk and sing to each other. I stand atop a lonely scratch of a tree. It is the ancestor of a lightning bolt that had not quite taken shape. I am lost in their happiness. It feels as though there is a great stampede going on but all I can hear is the echo of my own screaming at the sun. There is nothing more beautiful than the quiet follies of cloudless missives sent on days when the sea licks the sand. Oh, how I wish I was on that other side.

Inspiration #1

It's nice to meet someone who can afford to take a million second chances but still hold on to the first one.

Lines are made to be erased

It does not matter how gorgeous and good looking u are but if this look doesn't come with the good attitude u are just zero to me! What I have learn and realize is when our beauty within us is so great that will shine through us and that when I call it beautiful! And we all know the outward will never ever last!!

Silence Does Not Make The Hurt Deaf
We have not spoken
in months ...
I'm here, still trying
to be ok with that.

Dear Daniel

You wear a guise of well worded lies in a bid to hide the insecurities that haunt every single thing that you do. These lies have all those you hold closest, or should I say, those who are in a position to inadvertently aid you in getting what you should never have, let alone deserve; pandering to your beck and call.

Thrusting yourself into the limelight using others as a means to end, yet, each one nothing more than a lowly pawn in your perverted game of "I love him but I'm not gay".
Fueled by your own atmosphere of self righteousness, self importance and inferiority, a fire ignites within your eyes. Burning bright, the icy hues of putrid green permeate  your mask of poorly stitched falsities and re-birth, once more, the very thing you don't want to be. YOU!

You just can't help, can you? it must be difficult making your way through your royalty life, knowing you will amount to nothing more than the shadow of the person(s) you wish to be.
Yet knowing who you are, what you are, I feel no pity nor sorrow. To be honest I feel nothing. As long as you feel the need to constantly change your colors to suit, I shall afford you the respect you bestow upon those you feed your bullshit persona, the sum total of zero.

Where I in a position to offer any advice, not that your ego would allow you to listen, I would ask that you embrace who you are and not who you want to be or others want to be. Deal with the fact that others are more successful than you because they are. Rid yourself of the high and mighty ego and learn the true meaning of humility. 

As is stands behind the burning orange, black stripes and elegant form your portray, all I can see are the block spot and heart of a cheetah. Such is your want to run with the pack!
