Lend a helping hand

I may not have much but I am thankful for what I have, I may can't give much nor don't have much to offer but everything are sincere, I may not a powerful human being but I'm willing to help those who needed the most.

I'm doing charity in my own time, doing activities my own way, 
that would extend what I have to the less fortunate, 
or those who needed my help.
 I find happiness in children that with every giggle, 
laughter, and smile,
 makes my heart melt and want to be with them more.

These children are the reason why I work hard.
 I may not have been solely helping them, 
but they are the reason I am thankful for whatever I have right now. 
They opened my eyes to the fact that not everyone is as lucky as me, 
or as capable as me. 
It has always been a practice of my family to always lend a helping hand. 
Up until now that I’ve grown up, I still carry that value that I am truly proud of.