Let them be notches on your headboard, but never ticks on your heart.

Don’t fall in love with creative writers. No matter how sincerely, or passionately you long for them… it will never be as sincerely, or as passionately as they long for their imagined worlds.

Don’t fall in love with narcissistic writers. No matter how powerfully or intensely you obsess about them… it will never be as powerfully, or as intensely as they obsess about themselves.

Don’t fall in love with angsty writers. No matter how deeply, or sharply you love them… it will never be as deeply or as sharply as they hate themselves.

Most of all:

Don’t fall in love with romantic poets. No matter how concrete the passion, or beauty of the love you share… They will always reach for the intangible passion, or beauty of the love that they can only share with the unattainable.