My Dearest Sister,
How did you get here? Was it by miracle or cosmic joke? Did the stars align or did shit just happen? You’ve reached a point in your life where things are starting to make sense. For once, you’re at peace with the way things are. No obsession with the future, and no regret for the past. The sea is calm, and the living is easy. You have a foothold on maturity, but wisdom still eludes your grasp. Goodbye, shotgun. Hello, driver seat. Kudos for making it this far. But don’t pop the cork quite yet.
What I know is things change. That the rug can be pulled out from under your feet. That life can sucker punch you, while you're daydreaming. That the curtains can be drawn at any time throughout the show. It won’t always be this way. There will be a time when the sun doesn’t rise and set. But until that day comes, ride it until the wheels fall off.
We can never predict how life turns out. I can’t tell you if you’ll be happy, married, or successful. I know some of your prayers will be left unanswered. And I know that most answers will strike you in mysterious ways. Ways that will leave you wondering, guessing, and questioning. You’re here because of the decisions you’ve made. The paths you chose. These are the cards you’ve been dealt. Read it and weep.
You’re at an age, where you need to figure things out. What kind of life to pursue. What guy to spend your days with. Who to fall in love with. There are too many questions to worry about the answers. The more you fight it, the faster you drown. The end is a question mark. Punctuated by the uncertainty, lurking around every corner and hiding behind every face you see. There are lives we’re meant to touch. And there are those we let slip through our fingers. Do we catch them and hang on? Or do we give up and let go? Time to pop the cork and find out.
PS : I love you.
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