They keep asking me the same question, that particular one, the one I don't have the answer for. But let me try to put it this way;
It’s like…one of those brain teasers. Like the one with the rabbit and the duck. In fact it is just like that.
So you look at the picture and the first thing you see is the duck. he does too, and it’s cute, so you both laugh at it a bit. But you take a closer look and you also realize the rabbit is inside the same image. So you point it out to him, because it’s clearly there, you’re not imagining things. But then he tells you he doesn’t see it. Which is fine. I mean, not all of those brain teasers are easy. In fact they aren’t even meant to be. That’s the point. You have to take a really long hard look and try to make yourself see things differently til you get the trick to it.
It’s completely fine he may not see the rabbit. But just because he doesn’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. But then you start to doubt yourself. Questioning whether you really do see a rabbit. And you did, you truly did, but he’s so damn adamant about it you think he might be right. You look at the picture again and all you can see is that damn duck. You start to think you’re crazy. So yea, this is just an easy example.
He never notice the rabbit.
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