"This S&M satire teeters on the verge of sleaze and exploitation but never descends into those domains due to Maggie Gyllenhaal's exquisite performance in a tricky role."
The performances are subtle and endearing and not at all what one would expect. It's just too original to be ignored. So sensuous, taboo, steamy, raw and seductive is "The Secretary" that it goes beyond the red light of "no," but when watching it you can see it makes sense to the two main characters. They let their emotional needs awake each other. They open up their vulnerabilities so well that it's not wrong to say that they are having a relationship and what they are doing with each other is acceptable, because both want what the other is giving them.
I've never seen James Spader so powerfully creepy, erratic, sensuous, and brilliant as he was in this movie where he took this character inside himself and let the personality stew and simmer until his boiling point was magnified. Then, he gently brought it down to a gentleness that made you see the true fun-loving person that he really was. Included, is his ability to maintain a character with such a freakiness, smoothness and a sexual tension, so heated with desire that it was excruciatingly good to watch!
Maggie Gyllenhaal was exceptional in a daring and tricky role. She demonstrated the great ability of controlling her character's moods and making it believable. Watching her progress and appearance change throughout the movie gives you the chance to see who she really wants to be and what she's willing to do to keep it open and fresh. A special note is at the end scene where her face just speaks to you about all the swarms of naughtiness she has in store for Mr. Grey. I must say that she played her role of character perfectly.
I loved the song "I'm Your Man" by Leonard Cohen. His husky and sensuoustones give a sexiness and fun to the plan of action that you can only assume is going to let loose soon after the scene has finished. The musicin general was quite pleasing. It set up many entertaining scenes that gave this movie even more intelligent and provocative subject matter to soak in.
A great feature film with enough laughs, weirdness, fine performances and filmmaking.
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