Bring up the topic of cheating today with my sister and the conversation rage for hours. But there’s one aspect nobody ever seems to talk about: let say what if the person “a guy” betrayed his wife or girlfriend with isn’t some skanky ho. What if she’s an otherwise levelheaded, normal chick like, say, you? Because let’s face it, not everyone is 100 percent single when they meet the love of their life (let’s just put it that way). And yes I’m aware of this one particularly phrase; “Once a cheater always a cheater” (believe me I still DO keep that in mind). It’s not automatically true that if he cheated with you, he’ll cheat on you, right ???, you just have to be very, very careful. And again of course the big question will always be there somewhere in the corner of your head: If a guy cheated on someone with you, can you really trust him not to do the same to you?
But on top of that, I do have my own opinion on cheating on people. First of all, if you don’t love/like that person (anymore), BREAK UP WITH THEM, BEFORE you go onto the next one. I don’t get how hard it is to tell that person that you found someone else. It’s better than cheating and having your current to find out. That’s worse than breaking up because they’re gonna have to live with it, and know that there is someone better than them. If you’re gonna cheat on someone, you better have a legit reason and better be prepared with the consequences.
You’re taken for a reason. Your relationship status can’t give you the option to put multiple relationship, SO DON’T!!. Put only one name down.
uhm yea, I know what some of you might think about this one. Ironically, "look who's talking" right?.
you must be really naïve if you think not!