Right before midnight

It’s so difficult to write about another person completely selflessly. Set aside the fiction, strip away your own personal feelings, and you’re left with just the person that you’re trying to portray. What can you really say? They’re beautiful to you, remarkable, captivating, you want to write about them. But is it even possible to do so without making it all about yourself?
Sometimes it feels like everyone we’ve ever come across has left a footprint on our lives; some sort of eternal mark which we can remember them by. But are these prints really unique to the owner? Does the wet cement which we laid down for them not start molding its own shape the second their foot retreats? Do we not focus more on the impact that they had on us than the original shape of their mark? Perhaps this is why first impressions never last and people fear them so much. Because in that first instant, we glance at one another with pure objectivity. Even if it’s just for one second, we see the truth. And things are never the same after that. Not necessarily worse; not necessarily better. Just different ... Good night.