Every one has a love story, but every one is different. Some are more detailed adventures, legends that have been passed down by generations to generations; others might have never quite taken off. If you live on planet Earth and are reading this, you had to have heard some tragic love story one time or another, even without Romeo and Juliet.
The most compelling love story I can think of is not “tragic” or “fated”. No, it isn’t about some fair maiden and a handsome prince (actually in retrospect it could be). There is no pleasure, just fulfillment and amazingly enough, there isn’t exactly a definite some one on the receiving end. Yes, I’m talking religion, well Nuns and Priest in particular. They have no firm evidence the greater being is there, but they still commit themselves, abstain from sex and the possibility of having children. Now I’m not one to sit here and tell what’s what in this crazy world we live in, but I’m going to say that their love story is the most pure-no pun intended. but Others would argue that; that this compelling (yea right) love story is a sham. Fair enough, you’re entitled to your opinion.
The next love story that comes up would be the tale of two lovers… and a third. That is just tragic. I’ve never understood this. If you love some one, why cheat? The best that can come from it is a lie. I’m not sure about any one else here, but if you were to make some thing with cheap glue, that art work won’t stay together as well as some thing with more body than water-body being commitment in this instance.
The most famous would be, “happily ever after”. Here’s where it gets raw. I used to believe this tale Disney wove for us a long time ago. I believed that there wouldn’t exactly be the shining armor and such, but a prince that would hold his eyes only for you; you would have that dream life with no doubts and insecurities. Guess what? Disney turned out to be fiction. O.M.G … The secrets out.
Okay, calm down people. You can get your happily ever after, but maybe if you let a few things slide. The trouble “letting things slide”, is that you might let a few things slide that isn’t quite right. If it’s something life endangering, you don’t just let that slide. He is obviously not your knight. Your metaphorical knight is the one that picks you up when you’re down, who doesn’t kick you and leave you there. Petty arguments about leaving socks on the floor are obviously not going to make a huge rift in your relationship. That is not some thing worth breaking up over. of course, we all have different morals and values, so some things might affect others more than.. well.. others.
The girl/boy that hasn’t met some one that “clicked” with them just yet.
It will happen, the title is pretty self-explanatory. You have a lifetime to write your love story, in any darn well way you’d like.
It will happen, the title is pretty self-explanatory. You have a lifetime to write your love story, in any darn well way you’d like.
Basically, every one has a love story, it just might not have been written just yet, or perhaps it still being written.
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