(sometimes) Hurting people feels good

It makes me feel powerful, like I have the capacity to affect people. Have you ever said or done something just to bring someone down? Just so you could watch their face crumple, or better yet, they try to tough it out with a forced laugh or a glare that barely disguises their drooping eyes. You find their weakness and aim at the core of it. Sometimes it's so easy that even you are embarrassed for them. But if they tries to cover their pain, at least you could go along with it and pretend not to notice.
The worst is when they don't even make an effort to fake a smile, or when they do, but fail terribly. When the hurt is etched into every movement of their body, when the little glimmer in the center of once sparkling eyes transform into a trickle down their cheek. When every muscle sags in defeat. Such a trail vulnerable form discomforts me because I do not wish to witness anyone in that state. But yet, sometimes I find it quite amusing, not just because I know I made them that way, but simply because I find the heady, shame infused tears of those vanquished fatuity to be quite tasty. 

People stripped of all their guards, in the raw form, is a frightening image, like seeing them in their flesh gnawed to the bone. The chilling sight catches you off guard, and you have the impulse to look away as if it's too private for you to see. But like an overheard secret, the allure of such a tentative and forbidden exchange draws you in. And in the end, I feel victorious because I was capable of tearing someone down and shredding away the layers.
I remain the victor because I had the ability to pierce through their emotions and puncture a wound, even if it was just for one moment. Even if it doesn't leave a scar.