Short Story : Goodbye Charlie

How are you?
Fine I guess. 
She wasn’t fine. Inside of her was a storm destroying everything she once felt, had and knew.
I know you far too well to believe in such fairytales. She smiled. She loved the way he always made her feel like there is hope. 
I’m fading away Charlie. Soon I will be gone and you won’t even remember me. 
Though Charlie knew she was right, he refused to believe this was the end. He refused to believe he will never see her again. What would he do without her?  Who would bore him with meaningless stories he enjoys so much? Who will smile at him without a reason? Who will stand by his side when the night comes? Who will he love if she disappears?
I will never forget you; you were a part of me. You were, are and always will be! She smiled tenderly. I will find you again, I promise!

One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    okey, so I think you are the most fit person who can answer my question. I enjoy writing and all but once I try to explain or write about what I'm feeling, I get tongue tied and don't know how to approach it. I just can't seem to find the right words and put them together in cohesive sentence. do you know of anything I can do to change that?

    thank you (: