Reality and Illusion

When you were born into this life, you probably learned that what you see in front of you is “reality.” But were you told that this is only partly true because reality is all about perception?
You and I could be looking at the same thing, person or situation, but it doesn’t mean that we will perceive or interpret it the same way. How we perceive something or someone becomes our “reality” – the factor that either motivates or discourages us. And the interpretation of reality that we choose to believe will inevitably affect the quality of the life we live.
What if life could be even more rewarding if only you made a slight shift in the way that you think? Would you make this shift? Would you be open enough to adjust your perception of life?

What if what you see is not “reality,” but is only a vision that presents a challenge so that you are reminded to make the best decision you can, given the circumstances? What if what you see is an illusion, and what you choose is the ultimate reality? How would you live life then?

Would you spend time complaining and dwelling on the very displeasing thing that is happening before your eyes? Or would you see it as an opportunity to choose something that feels better to you?