I have become selfish; I know myself. I acknowledge that which is me and I listen to only myself. Through doing that, I am happy; I love, cherish, and adore all that I am. And when I am able to love myself, I can then love another. When I can cherish myself I can do the same to another. When I adore myself I can do just that to anyone else. But it must first start inside of me; inside of each of us.
When I am happy, I will wish no harm or pain on others. When you are happy, you will wish for the same thing. It's not about judging those who are selfish or are interested in only there happiness. It's about understanding the importance of being happy in the present. Do, what you want right now, that will make you happy. Do it, absorb it, breathe it, and when it's over, let it go as to move on to something else; something greater.
Happiness doesn't come from out there. You won't find it in a person, a possession, or accomplishment; the only place you'll find it is within you. No one can tell you how to be happy. No one can push you in the right direction or path. Because no one but you knows where happiness lies. I cannot know what will make you happy, I can only know what will make me happy. We are selfish by nature you see?
It's time, right now, to let it all go. Let go of putting others first, let go of the past and especially the future. Do without asking why; just do in accordance with you.
And why wouldn't you? Why wouldn't you do what makes you happy?Because of others? Don't worry about them, they have things that can make them happy just as you do. The only difference is that you've taken your happiness into your hands, where as others are still shrugging that responsibility.
We all deserve to be happy. We all deserve exactly what we want, what we desire. And when we've made the choice to pursue life, for no other reason than your own, then we will evolve; then we will become what we're meant to be.
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