We live in a world filled with hard choices. Also filled with easy choices and hard consequences. With complex choices that mean that some of us will be denied something, often necessary. That some of us will sacrifice and suffer and a few of us will get more than our fair share of comfort and gain. We live in a world where everything we have is paid for by the misfortune or “have nots" of others. We can hate the world. We can resent each other. We can feel guilty, but above all, I try to remember to be grateful for what I do have. For the fights we win. For the joys, comforts, and wonderful things that I got and someone else didn’t. I’ll never be content with the state of the world. I try to remind myself not to be complacent. But, I really can’t hate the world. There’s not always a balance between the good and the bad, but the good is so good. It’s easy to forget that when you’re wading neck deep in shit. The world is an ugly place, but it’s also where we store all our hopes and dreams. Our loves. Our passions. Our potential to be better than we were yesterday and today. Our strides for a better tomorrow.